PIMP MY BOARDGAME: Zombicide Edition

Well I’ve wanted to pimp out a few of the board games I have bought over the years. From Battlelore, to Eclipse and Super Dungeon Explore.

But as with everything I do, it doesn’t pan out, like how I was trying to do this month as an Infinity Month and get my Nomads painted up.

Then Zombicide arrived on my door step and I just got super excited and just had to paint up the minis right away. It didn’t help with the fact that Fredy got all his minis done in 3 hours. Totally nuts, but it did mean that our first run through with the game was played with painted minis, and from a visual stand point, it makes a huge difference looking at the painted minis over the grey colour plastic playing tokens. I can’t match Fredy on his speed, but after two weeks of painting I finally finished painting up the Abomination set.

So without further ado here’s a few photos of my painted Zombicide Minitures.

Board with the gaming pieces.

The Green and Grey Hulks … I mean Abominations.

Just do it … Runners.

Blue Collar Fatties.

The walking dead … with panties 😛

The Stalwart Heroes … or Zombie fodder if the case may be.

The next step will be to make an actually 3D board for this game, I have some ideas floating in my head on how I’ll do this, and will write it up when I start on it.

Happy Gaming 🙂

The Force wasn’t strong in this one ….


The game hit Australia about two months ago with Games Paradise offering it at the Gencon Exclusive price of $AUS 85 for the starter set, then two weeks later at $AUS 60 for its retail price. I waited unit I could get if from Defiant Gaming for $AUS 36 the price difference was just too big a difference. But the unber-sad thing is that you can get it from CoolStuff Inc for only $US 25.99, but unfortunately the shipping price makes it not worth the lower retail cost. Anyway enough about the ranting of consumer pricing, on to the game itself.

Component wise I was pretty impressed with what FFG was offering, the quality of the minis was high along with the quality of the paint job, I was pleasantly surprised to see that highlights where given to the ships and that small details where also picked out. The card stock for the cards and the game components where also of the better quality out there. Just in terms of gaming components, this product is definitively one of the best out there.

I won’t get into an in dept run through of the rules here as I feel FFG has done superb job with their youtube clips which you can find here. My only gripe, which has been the gripe of many rule book is that it needed more examples so that its wording can been seen more clearly.

If you have played Wings of War, or Wings of Glory it will feel very familiar, and it can easily been seen that the game rules owe some of their mechanisms to those systems. But there are enough differences to say that this game is very much its own. The main difference is the use of range rulers which replaces the movement cards of the other systems, and the way attacks are resolved with the introduction of dice giving the game a very Ameritrash feel, instead of the Euro feel of Wings of War.

Overall I found it a very enjoyable light game, and can’t wait to see what the new expansions will bring.

Weekend gaming with Rico and Eugene

Well I promised Rico that I’d come and play Stronghold with him, ummmm, I’m guessing like over 9 months ago. Well, today it finally happened. Yes yes, I know I’m a slacker hence why I’m a lazy gamer, but I finally learnt how to play the damn game thanks to Rico and his son Eugene. Now I do have this game somewhere in the pile of other games that I do have, and I swear after reading the rules and searching the geek for cheat notes, the game seemed complicated. And it surprised me no end how simple the game mechanics actually where. Overall enjoyable but playing it just makes me want to pimp out my set, maybe a project for the future, to add to the billion other projects that I have in the pipe lines. For Eugene we played a game of Mag Blast, this is a card game where you try and blast people’s fleets to bits, and to me its was just random thrown on top of random and more random added in just to tip the balance. Defiantly not one for the serious minded gamer, and since he showed me how to play Stronghold I showed him how to play Tanto Cuore, not that he needed to learn how to play seeing that this game is basically Dominion but played with Anime Maids on the card art. Now please understand that I hate Dominion with a passion, but because this game is cheese over with Anime Maids, its just a must for my collection. Day highlight was when Eugene’s men where killed in Stronghold and he had a big frowny face, kids can be so cute.

Mag Blast.

Tanto Curoe setup.

Tanto Curoe in play.

Stronghold Board.

Rico has subbed Mechs for his attacking Golbins/Orcs/Trolls.

The Orc Horde breaking into the castle.


Mr. Gow wanted to introduce us to one of his oldies but a goodie game, and seeing that 11:30pm on a Friday wasn’t to late he managed to arm wrangle Jen and myself into a game of Endeavor. Now I’ve seen this game hobbling on the shelf for a while but have never actually played the game before, and I did find it quite enjoyable. To me its like a cross of Puerto Rico and Hansa Teutonica, as you need to keep track of VPs on the main board and VPs on your own board. Definitively one game that I wouldn’t mind playing again. Note to self even if Mr. Cox doesn’t see a move doesn’t mean he won’t end up kicking my ass in the game.
Ze Game Box.

Board after the 1st round.

Board at the end of the game, I got 43 points but Mr. Cox ended with over 60.

Best piece in the game. 😛