Day 2

Day 2 and a bit.


All the horse have now been been base coated, i now have a small select of black, grey, tan, brown and white horses.


Along with the horses are the riders.

Aim is to get these core brigades done by tomorrow and then its the.artillery.

Day 1

Well still haven’t fully unpacked from the trip down to our nations captain but have made some progress into my 1500pts.


Well if i was to say they were all black horses then id have done two light cavalry regiments worth of horse, but alas they are just under coated and will get their proper colours tomorrow.


Man At War currently do not produce single minis but the kind people at Eruka Miniatures kindly gave me two.Napoleonic Officers to use as my Army  Commander.

More news tomorrow hopefully.

5 Day 18mm Napoleonic Challenge


Fresh from another Cancon, and Fred has convinced me into trying out Napoleonics. This will first foray into this type of system, but i have been assured that these rules set is good and similar to other historical gaming sets i have tried. With a fist full of cash beinging  exchanged for a big full of miniatures i will endeavour to actually get this all painted for my scheduled clash with Fredy on Friday.

I have decided to get a French Light Cavalry force as it outwardly appears to be in the same vain as to the tank armies i love to field.

WW Jan 12 WHFB Club Challenge – Game 2

Game 2 saw me facing off vs Ross’ Orchard and Goblin force. Terrain was on Ross’ side as the field was.littered with quick sand that could be deadly to my MI.

Look at all that quick sand.

Splat, my hopes for this game where squashed as a direct hit saw off one of my Ironblasters, which ended up panicing the other off the board and my two sabers.

I repostion my line to meet the treat, while Ross does quick work in taking out 2 Leadbleachers.


The savage orcs fail an animosity check and charge my gnobs. Which get counter charged by the Bull Horde.


The unit of Orcs fail their animosity check and charge into the Bulls.

It was a pretty odd game as i was pretty sure of losing once i lost the big guns. But Mork and Gork seemed to favor me more that Ross. For starters he killed his own unit off Wolf riders, with two misdirected stone thrower rounds. Foot of Gork finished off his own units of Savage Orcs. And at critical moments he failed his animosity.

So with Orcs and Goblins you just never know.

WW Jan 12 WHFB Club Challenge – Game 1

First WHFB Club challenge of the year. I still decided to use my Ogre coz well basically MI is how i roll. My.list had a 16 Bull Horde armed with Iron Fist. I wanted to see how they compared with Ironguts as last year that was what i was using. Backed up with two units of 6 Leadbleachers, 2 Ironblasters and the usual 3 saber and 10 gnobs trappers . Leading this.bunch was a Bruiser, BSB and lvl 2 Butcher.


Game one was with a river section in the middle of the board. I felt sorry for Christian as my army was perfectly suited for this fight.


Opening moves sees the Hell Cannon blowing up some Ogres and my BSB dying from a nurse spell. In return my cannons blow the Hell Cannon away.


My saber bates the chaos.warriors.into charging him and the counter.charge of an Ironblaster and the Bull Ogre make quick work of them.


The marauders cross the river leaving a few of their friends dead to the current, unfortunately the.end the crossing in the path of the Ironblaster and a Saber.


Meanwhile on the otherside another sabre draws the knights into the wall of the tower. Where they and their lord get decimated by the Leadbleachers.


Mopping up, with an Ogre on Ogre charge.

It really was a one sided battle, and Christian was fighting it.up a very
steep hill.

Trying out the new VC Army

With the new book out i thought i try and see if my old army was still usable, sadly that did not seem the case. And i needed to add a few units to make my old 6th ed army ready for 8th ed. The addition of a corpse cart and 3 of the new Vargast seem to do the trick. Now my gripe with 8th ed is that back in the days 100 skeletons was an arsenal load of skeletons, but now its just a drop in the ocean.

Oh wells, enough griping and more action.


The High Elves face off vs the Unread horde.


The never ending horde, with a master necromancer the bead units just keep on getting bigger and bigger.


Compare that to the tiny block of Elves.


Vargast and Dire wolves can and will quickly get into your opponents face.


Zombie Ratmen, my unit of zombies reached a peak of 50 from its original unit size of 20, while the units of 40 skeletons got as big as 80.


Yup GWs way of making you buy more zombies and skeletons.


My sub for a Mortis Engine getting charged by some elves.


Danger elves flee so fast.


Hammer time!!! Fully buffer Core units are just deadly, ASF, re-roll misses and re-rolling failed wounds is just nasty.

In the end i lost but thus army style isn’t for me I’ll need to tweak the army a bit before i’ll use them again.

Into the War of the Ring

Dusted off my Moria Goblins collection that i got many moons a go so that i could get a quick 1000pts bash vs Fredy’s Aragon and Gandalf with some men of Gondor force.


Soooo many Goblins face off vs so few Men.


I know two people that just want to get into this :p A cave troll backed with Goblin Archers rush into the Gondor Horsemen.


The main event the Goblin horde vs Aragon.


Fredy fluff is rolls and the Goblins live to fight again.


The second block slashes into Gandalf and friends.



Only the brave heroes remain at the end.

Was fun, we did a few things wrong but something I’d definitely want to try again.