PIMP MY BOARDGAME: Zombicide Edition

Well I’ve wanted to pimp out a few of the board games I have bought over the years. From Battlelore, to Eclipse and Super Dungeon Explore.

But as with everything I do, it doesn’t pan out, like how I was trying to do this month as an Infinity Month and get my Nomads painted up.

Then Zombicide arrived on my door step and I just got super excited and just had to paint up the minis right away. It didn’t help with the fact that Fredy got all his minis done in 3 hours. Totally nuts, but it did mean that our first run through with the game was played with painted minis, and from a visual stand point, it makes a huge difference looking at the painted minis over the grey colour plastic playing tokens. I can’t match Fredy on his speed, but after two weeks of painting I finally finished painting up the Abomination set.

So without further ado here’s a few photos of my painted Zombicide Minitures.

Board with the gaming pieces.

The Green and Grey Hulks … I mean Abominations.

Just do it … Runners.

Blue Collar Fatties.

The walking dead … with panties 😛

The Stalwart Heroes … or Zombie fodder if the case may be.

The next step will be to make an actually 3D board for this game, I have some ideas floating in my head on how I’ll do this, and will write it up when I start on it.

Happy Gaming 🙂

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